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Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Art, Math, and Strong Christian Character
S.T.R.E.A.M.S. Curriculum
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STEM Education Plano TXSTEM is an integrated educational approach that intertwines science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. This holistic methodology aims to blend these subjects in each project instead of teaching them in isolation.
Typical STEM projects range from constructing bridges to basic coding, offering a vast range of possibilities for exploration.
While specific objectives may differ among various school's STEM programs, the overarching targets are to enhance STEM literacy and engagement, especially among young females and individuals of color, and to bolster the STEM workforce by encouraging more students to pursue related careers.
Former President Obama was a strong proponent of STEM education, emphasizing the need for American students to advance from being average to leading in science and math.

STEAM expands on the foundations of STEM by integrating art into the equation.

Typical STEAM activities, such as cultivating crystal gardens or crafting seed necklaces, combine scientific principles with opportunities for artistic creativity.

What is STREAMS?

STREAM takes the concepts of STEM and STEAM a step further by incorporating reading and writing into the mix. Supporters of STREAM view literacy as a vital component of a holistic curriculum, necessitating both critical thinking and creativity. Just like STEM or STEAM, STREAM projects integrate the elements of science, technology, engineering, arts, and math, but also include the essential aspects of reading and writing.

At REACH Academy, we add in Strong Christian Character to round out the program.